La banda polaca capitaneada por Marta Gabriel vuelve a la carga con su novena descarga de su propuesta de heavy clásico fronterizo con el power y el speed metal y, de nuevo, con temática lovecraftiana con su disco “Thesilver key”, basada en el relato homónimo del escritor de Providence.
Antes denada, parece mentira que cuando era un chaval los que habíamos leído “La sombra sobre Innsmouth” y sabíamos escribir Chutulu sin faltas de ortografía éramos unos bichos raros escapados de algún hospital psiquiátrico, y ahora casi que Lovecraft va a estar dentro del plan de estudios de Literatura en 2º de la E.S.O. En fin…
Pasando a hablar del redondo, “The silver key” me ha resulta un disco mucho más interesante que su predecesor “The cult” (también basado en relatos de Lovecraft, por cierto), pero es verdad que a CRYSTAL VIPER le ha pesado mucho en su trayectoria haber tenido un inicio tan bueno, pues siempre se espera de ellos que vuelvan a sacar un disco tan mítico como el “Legends”, pero hay que reconocer que “The silver key” está dentro de la línea ascendente después del anodino “Tales of fire and ice”.
Si estábamos acostumbrados a la voz y la guitarra de Marta Gabriel como parte de la identidad de la banda, ahora se pasa a las cuatro cuerdas para mostrarnos si infinita capacidad de aprendizaje, con muy buenos resultados.
En temas como “Fever of the Gods”, “The key is lost” y “The silver key”, nos rencontramos con la fusión de heavy, el speed metal y los toques power en las composiciones que comentaba al prinicipio, que invitan a seguir las voces de Marta en cada estrofa con los cuernos en alto.
“The silver key” muestra que CRYSTAL VIPER han vuelto a encontrar su sonido y su camino.
The Polish band led by Marta Gabriel is back with their ninth release of their proposal of classic heavy metal bordering with power and speed metal and, once again, with a Lovecraftian theme with their album “Thesilver key”, based on the homonymous story by the writer of Providence.
It seems incredible that when I was a kid those of us who had read “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” and knew how to write Chutulu without spelling mistakes were weirdos escaped from some psychiatric hospital, and now almost Lovecraft is going to be part of the Literature curriculum in 2nd of E.S.O. Anyway….
Moving on to talk about the album, “The silver key” is a much more interesting album than its predecessor “The cult” (also based on Lovecraft’s stories, by the way), but it is true that CRYSTAL VIPER has been very heavy in its trajectory to have had such a good beginning, because it is always expected of them to release again an album as mythical as “Legends”, but we have to recognize that “The silver key” is within the ascending line after the anodyne “Tales of fire and ice”.
If we were used to Marta Gabriel’s voice and guitar as part of the band’s identity, now she switches to the four strings to show us her infinite learning capacity, with very good results.
In songs like “Fever of the Gods”, “The key is lost” and “The silver key”, we find again the fusion of heavy, speed metal and power touches in the compositions that I mentioned at the beginning, which invite us to follow Marta’s vocals in each verse with the horns up high.
“The silver key” shows that CRYSTAL VIPER have found their sound and their way again.