Enero de 2025 ha sido el momento elegido por una de las bandas totémicas del heavy metal alemán para volver a la carretera. Se trata de GRAVE DIGGER con éste “Bone collector”, un chutazo de heavy old school.
En sus comunicados de prensa los alemanes destacan de este trabajo que es en primero en el que no utilizan teclados en ninguna de sus composiciones. Ciertamente no se nota la diferencia en el conjunto del sonido ya que la característica principal de GRAVE DIGGER siempre fueron las guitarras.
Sinceramente, el conjunto del disco me ha parecido de un nivel altísimo, quizás por encima de discos que publicaron hace bastante tiempo, lo cual es de agradecer al seguir mostrando ganas y agallas de seguir en los escenarios.
A los fans del sonido clásico no les defraudará seguro.
January 2025 has been the moment chosen by one of the totemic bands of German heavy metal to return to the road. It is GRAVE DIGGER with this «Bone collector», a blast of old school heavy metal.
In their press releases the Germans emphasize that this is the first album in which they do not use keyboards in any of their compositions. Certainly the difference in the sound as a whole is not noticeable, since the main characteristic of GRAVE DIGGER has always been the guitars.
Sincerely, the whole album has seemed to me of a very high level, perhaps above albums they released quite some time ago, which is to be appreciated as they continue to show desire and guts to continue on stage.
Fans of the classic sound will not be disappointed for sure.
Web: https://www.grave-digger.de/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gravediggerofficial/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gravediggerband/