HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY acaba de lanzar su disco titulado “Scorched Earth”, y creo que no hay mejores palabras para definirlo como ellos mismo lo hacen al utilizar las palabras desesperación, amor, pérdida y luchas existenciales, que han sido sello de los austriacos desde su fundación, y que son capaces de transmitir en cada compás de los ocho temas, que se van más allá de la hora de duración.
Las bases de su identidad siguen irreductibles en el planteamiento prodigioso del post-black metal, con unas composiciones instrumentales impecables y totalmente inmersivas, junto con la voz desgarradora de J.J. Quizás este punto es el que hace que desconecte en ciertos momentos del disco pues el desgarro emocional tan prolongado hace que pierda sensibilidad a los matices. Eso no me ha ocurrido con el tema “Street spirit fade out” en el que cuenta con la colaboración de GROZA (otros conocidos en HUP) puesto que la irrupción de voces limpias ayuda a percibir toda la riqueza de sentimientos y conecte con todos los instrumentos de la banda.
Sin perjuicio de ello, “Scorched Earth” es un disco que entusiasmará a los seguidores de la banda, pues mantiene la esencia de HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY.
HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY have just released their album entitled “Scorched Earth”, and I think there are no better words to define it as they themselves do by using the words despair, love, loss and existential struggles, which have been the hallmark of the Austrians since their foundation, and which they are able to transmit in every bar of the eight tracks, which go beyond the hour-long duration.
The bases of their identity are still irreducible in the prodigious approach of post-black metal, with impeccable and totally immersive instrumental compositions, together with the heartbreaking voice of J.J. Perhaps this point is what makes me disconnect in certain moments of the album, because the emotional tearing so prolonged makes me lose sensitivity to the nuances. That has not happened to me with the song “Street spirit fade out” in which he counts with the collaboration of GROZA (other known in HUP) and that the irruption of clean voices helps to perceive all the richness of feelings and connect with all the instruments of the band.
Without prejudice to this, “Scorched Earth” is an album that will excite the followers of the band, because it keeps the essence of HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HarakiriForTheSky
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/harakiriforthesky_official/
Bandcamp: https://harakirifortheskyofficial.bandcamp.com/album/arson