En una de mis búsquedas de nuevos grupos aparecieron estos americanos totalmente desconocidos para mí y que me han cautivado con su sludge/post rock/doom. Se trata de MOUNTAINEER, procedentes de la costa oeste y que presentan su quinto disco “Dawn and all that follows”.
Lo que me ha llamado la atención es que siendo un sonido muy sludge, no es crudo o áspero, como estaba acostumbrado a escuchar, sino que lo plantean desde una vertiente mucho más suave, aunque tiene sus arranques en ciertos momentos, pero el peso recae en la parte más acústica. De hecho, casi todos los temas la intro se ejecuta por arpegios de guitarra eléctrica en el canal limpio, y el sonido eléctrico va acompañando.
Los temas en su conjunto son muy buenos y la voz me ha recordado a grupos de metal progresivo como AVANDRA, haciendo la escucha muy agradable para los que no os vaya mucho los sonidos más extremos.
“Dawn and all that follows” me ha servido como excusa ideal para descubrir y sumergirme en una discografía que me ha sorprendido muy gratamente. Espero que os guste lo mismo que a mí.
In one of my searches for new bands appeared these Americans totally unknown to me and that have captivated me with their sludge/post rock/doom. They are MOUNTAINEER, coming from the west coast and presenting their fifth album “Dawn and all that follows”.
What has caught my attention is that being a very sludge sound, it is not raw or rough, as I was used to hearing, but they approach it from a much softer side, although it has its starts at certain times, but the weight falls on the more acoustic part. In fact, almost all the themes the intro is executed by electric guitar arpeggios in the clean channel, and the electric sound is accompanying.
The themes as a whole are very good and the vocals reminded me of progressive metal bands like AVANDRA, making it a very pleasant listen for those of you who are not into more extreme sounds.
“Dawn and all that follows” has served me as an ideal excuse to discover and immerse myself in a discography that has surprised me very pleasantly. I hope you like it as much as I do.
Bandcamp: https://mtnr.bandcamp.com/album/dawn-and-all-that-follows
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mountaineerbayarea/?locale=es_LA