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Para los que somos parroquianos del Rock, Blues and Beers de nuestro querido Moy A.M., vamos a hablar de unos viejos conocidos, ya que han pasado ya varias veces por el programa. Se trata de los britĂĄnicos THE KARMA EFFECT, que nos han ido obsequiando con pinceladas de su “Promised Land” como si del mismĂ­simo MoisĂ©s se tratara.

Si cito el tema que da nombre al disco o temas como “See you again” o “All night long” ya os hacĂ©is una idea de cĂłmo suenan, pero si le dais un repaso a todo el disco vais a descubrir un remedio infalible al tedio de los lunes por la mañana o al cumpleaños infantil del sĂĄbado por la tarde.

Los diez temas son un desparrame de estribillos pegadizos y sonido rock con toques del southern rock y, sobre todo, un buen rollo que te llega al hipotĂĄlamo desde las primeras notas.

Incluso el tema más lento del disco, “Still falling for you” no es para nada meloso o excesivamente lento, sino que flirtea con el medio tiempo.

No sĂ© si serĂĄ la energĂ­a positiva de “Promised Land”, pero creo que el conductor del autobĂșs me ha sonreĂ­do.


For those of us who are parishioners of Rock, Blues and Beers of our dear Moy A.M., we are going to talk about some old friends, since they have already been on the program several times. We are talking about the British band THE KARMA EFFECT, who have been giving us some touches of their “Promised Land” as if it were Moses himself.

If I mention the title track or songs like “See you again” or “All night long” you will already have an idea of what they sound like, but if you go through the whole album you will discover an infallible remedy to the tedium of Monday mornings or children’s birthday on Saturday afternoon.

The ten tracks are a sprawl of catchy choruses and rock sound with touches of southern rock and, above all, a good vibe that reaches your hypothalamus from the first notes.

Even the slowest song on the album, “Still falling for you” is not at all mellow or excessively slow, but flirts with mid-tempo.

I don’t know if it’s the positive energy of “Promised Land”, but I think the bus driver smiled at me.



