Dejando atrás los verdes valles y escarpadas montañas austriacas, Ulrich Ellison se afincó hace varios años en Texas para empaparse del sonido blues y rock que tanto buscaba.
Como si de un zahorí se tratara, ha sabido encontrar la fuente de inspiración y se ha ido haciendo hueco como una de las nuevas voces del blues rock contemporáneo, cultivando este “Momentum” como una muestra de todo lo que es capaz de hacer, ya que las composiciones suenan a blues, rock y funky, sirviendo de igual manera para mostrar sus dotes de cantante.
Es un disco que no ha tenido mucho predicamento en los medios, lo cual resulta ciertamente injusto, pues tiene temas dignos de una reposada escucha para aquellos que disfruten de las múltiples vertientes del rock con producciones actuales, como dice nuestro Moy A.M.
Leaving behind the green valleys and rugged mountains of Austria, Ulrich Ellison settled several years ago in Texas to soak up the blues and rock sound he was looking for.
As if he were a dowser, he has been able to find the source of inspiration and has been making his mark as one of the new voices of contemporary blues rock, cultivating this “Momentum” as a sample of everything he is capable of, since the compositions sound bluesy, rock and funky, serving equally to showcase his singing skills.
It is an album that has not had much predicament in the media, which is certainly unfair, because it has songs worthy of a restful listening for those who enjoy the many aspects of rock with current productions, as our Moy A.M. says.